
by OpenleetMarketing

Jan 18, 2025


Shiatsu Massage

Health and Wellness | Massage Therapy

Service Details

Translated from Japanese, the word Shiatsu (she-’at-soo) means finger pressure. The Zen shiatsu we offer is like a massage version of acupuncture, without the needles. The oils and stroking movements of massage are replaced by gentle stretching and deep pressure covering both broad areas and specific points along defined lines or meridians. These movements promote free flow of Chi or energy. Our skilled therapists work with the body’s signals and adjusts a treatment accordingly. The treatment leaves one feeling profoundly relaxed, in “balance” and with less tightness and pain. We recommend you wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing and you will be lying on a futon on the floor (although a massage table is always an option).

To find out more about Shiatsu, visit the Shiatsu Therapy Association of B.C. and watch the video below.

Feel free to Call 604-815-3436 or Contact us for any query or booking appointment!

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